BTL Stress Test
Discover how BTL’s stress test saves your time and increases your diagnostic confidence.
Wireless operation
Wireless connection improves convenience for patients and operators in addition to automated reconnection, wireless ECG placed directly on the patient
significantly reduces motion artifacts in the ECG signal.
Versatile Testing
As BTL Flexi increases mobility, it also provides multiple possibilities when selecting the proper exercise, including stair climbing or outdoor running.
BTL Flexi Stress Test offers broad compatibility with ergometers, treadmills or other stress devices as well as measurement of SpO2 or blood pressure.
Predefined load protocols
Diagnostic confidence supported by innovative evaluation features, predefined stress protocols, an intuitive and user-friendly interface enhances
performance and removes complexity.
Simulate the most natural activities for your patient. The BTL Treadmill supports running up to 32 km/h (20 mph) and inclines up to 25%. With
emergency buttons and a lanyard, a control panel, and a large running surface, the exercise test measurements will be safely and conveniently collected.