Our Product

Operating Microscope

Model:-HS Hi-R NEO 900



Our highlights:

Enjoy high optical visualization with Haag-Streit SurgicaL’s  microscope HS Hi-R NEO 900 for ophthalmology and hand surgery. It allows superior judgment and treatment with best depth perception and 3-dimensional vision due to its 25 mm stereo base. The microscope’s integrated display gives instant feedback on all important settings. By a single glance you find information on the positions of focus, zoom, and X-Y coupling as well as the level of illumination. To maximize the freedom of positioning the microscope, an inclination mechanism has been integrated ranging from -70° to +90°. Fine adjustments can be made in sterile manner during surgery. In the variation HS Hi-R NEO 900A NIR, the microscope is ready for intraoperative OCT (iOCT)*. Live scans on the eye’s anterior or posterior segment support a number of procedures and ensure surgical outcome. Modularity – this key word describes the accessory structure of the HS Hi-R NEO 900. On demand, the ophthalmoscopic system EIBOS 2 as well as the TOCULAR can be added. Standard accessories are available like observers, cameras, a recording system, a keratoscope, a motorized slit lamp, a depthof- field diaphragm, and foot switches. For the carrying system also various options, including the choice of illumination (halogen and LED), arise. Take advantage of this modularity for optimal patient.


Key Features:

  • I ntraoperative live OCT
  • I ndividual configuration exactly for your needs and
  • ergonomic demands
  • I mpressive optical image quality
  • Extraordinary movability and precise positioning

High-tech solutions

Electromagnetic brakes in the floor stands FS 2-21 (halogen) and FS 2-25 (LED) support the smooth movements of HS Hi-R NEO 900. A holder for a foot switch can be mounted directly to the column as can trays (with transformers) for camera control units or other equipment. The front side accepts a high-resolution monitor (optional). Both versions are computer-controlled with a graphic display for programming the individual start settings of the operating surgeons and the surgical procedures.The microscope parameters, brightness, and the carrying weight of the articulated arm are also adjustable and controlled on the graphic display.The shape and internal reinforcements of the column make the floor stands extremely stable against vibrations. The cables are inside a cable duct. A plastic surface protects the base of the floor stand against corrosive liquids.

Mechanical solutions

The floor stands FS 2-11 (halogen) and FS 2-15 (LED) are equipped with newly designed mechanical brakes, which are preadjusted in the factory for free-floating movements as well as for stable working positions. The light source is mounted externally for easy access. A tray (with transformer) to carry a camera.

Video solution

For best visualization we recommend our ultra compact 1/3“ CMOS sensor camera C.MOR HD as well as the brilliant 21,5“ HD monitor C.MON HD. For an easy mounting various camera attachment systems like light routers and especially the Beam Splitter T are available.

Depth of field

Due to the large depth of field achieved by HS Hi-R NEO 900 focusing procedures are limited to a minimum. To increase this effect also in high magnifications our Double Iris Diaphragm can be added.

Assistant scope for teaching

HS Hi-R NEO 900A offers the assistant full stereoscopic vision. The 0° assistant scope with its 12.5x oculars has its own magnification changer (5 steps) and focusing device allowing both surgeons independently to select the focal plane and magnification. It easily swivels laterally and, for relaxed working, the eyepiece head may be inclined and rotated into the most comfortable position.