Our Product

Railway Footbridge


Manufacturer:-Global Product


  • footbridge (also called a pedestrian bridgepedestrian overpass, or pedestrian overcrossing) is a bridge designed for pedestrians and in some cases cyclists, animal traffic, and horse riders, instead of vehicular traffic. Footbridges complement the landscape[citation needed] and can be used decoratively to visually link two distinct areas or to signal a transaction.


  • An enclosed footbridge between two buildings is sometimes known as a skyway. Bridges providing for both pedestrians and cyclists are often referred to as greenbridges and form an important part of sustainable transport movement towards more sustainable[clarification needed] Footbridges are often situated to allow pedestrians to cross water or railways in areas where there are no nearby roads to necessitate a road bridge. 


Types footbridges include:

  • Simple suspension bridge
  • Clapper bridge
  • Moon bridge
  • Step-stone bridge
  • Zig-zag bridge
  • Plank
  • Boardwalk
  • Joisted
  • Simple truss

Different types of design footbridges include:

  • Timber footbridges
  • Steel footbridges


  • 1 Advantages
  • 2 Disadvantages


Provides safe and sustainable crossings and provides technical assistance to local government and communities need simple, easily applied guidelines on the selection and construction of effective water crossings. Much rural travel takes place on local paths, tracks and village roads. These provide essential access to water, firewood, farm plots and the classified road network. Communities and/or local government are generally responsible for this infrastructure.


Pedestrian overpasses over highways or railroads are expensive, especially when elevators or long ramps for wheelchair users are required. Without elevators or ramps, people with mobility handicaps will not be able to use the structure. Often, people will prefer to walk across a busy road at grade rather than expend the effort to climb up the bridge and go over it. Overpasses should only be used where the number of users justify the costs.